Default Cafe Pub

Default Cafe


Default is a nighttime pub strategically placed in the middle of the Manila City University Belt. First established in 2017, this is a go-to place for tertiary students who want to relax after a hard day’s work and just party the night away. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, like many commercial establishments, the brick-and-mortar pub had to temporarily close its operation and adapt with the times by selling fast-moving consumer goods online.

When the pandemic restrictions begin to loosen, Default tapped the expertise of ArkiNovus to Design and Build for them the new look of their pub that their customers will look forward coming back to. With the client’s budget and project requirements in mind, ArkiNovus gave them an industrial look and feel of the place that is economical, and most especially, safe for their customers.


ArkiNovus only took two months to complete the design stage of this new pub, while the construction stage took six months to complete, just in time for Default’s scheduled re-opening.

With the pandemic restrictions fully lifted in 2023, Default, now with its new and improved pub, is once again the home of party-loving students in Manila. They are open seven days a week, from 4:00PM to 1:00AM.

With the pandemic restrictions fully lifted in 2023, Default, now with its new and improved pub, is once again the home of party-loving students in Manila. They are open seven days a week, from 4:00PM to 1:00AM.